My little kindergartener.
Actually I guess little is not what I should use to describe him.
He is by far the tallest kindergartener at that school.
Notice his new shoes. I bought those on sale in February...
and he has been begging to wear them for months, but I told him he can't wear them until school begins. So, once in a while, I would catch him trying them on again and walking around the house for a few minutes. He was so excited to finally wear them the first day of school.
The dog tags he is wearing are my dog tags that I got on vacation in Washington D.C. about 10 years ago. He loves them. They have my name on them, but he doesn't care.
Here are Stella and Aaron Jr.
He is wearing the backpack he picked out... Bumble Bee from Transformers.
The other first day was the day that us parents came with our kids to have a little back to school orientation with the teacher. Then they had four days off while they had evaluations all week.
So this was the true first day of school for Aaron Jr.
He picked out this yellow Brazil shirt to wear because that is where Daddy went on his mission. As he layed it out the night before, he kissed the Brazil flag on it as he remembered Daddy, then asked me to kiss the flag as well.
He had a great first day of school and he is loving it.
It was so difficult for me to leave him there... I miss him each day.
But I know he is ready for it and it will be good for him.
So, to fill the 2 hours and 45 minutes from drop off to pick up, I decided I am going to start going to the gym a few times a week. So far, so good.
Aaron Jr is LOVING school... and I am so glad.
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