Aaron, Aaron Jr, Leslie - AGE 2
I have been going through some photo albums a lot lately and I thought it would be fun to post a photo of Aaron at age 2, me at age 2, and Aaron Jr at age 2. I hear from some people how much Aaron Jr looks like Aaron, then others tell me how much they think he looks like me. I actually think that Aaron Jr looks SO much like the adult version of Aaron and doesn't look that much like the adult version of me. I also think that Aaron Jr looks a lot like both of us when we were little. I wish I had a better one of Aaron Jr. This was the best one I could find at the right angle and everything, but it was chilly outside so the coloring isn't quite up to par. Anyhow, I just thought I would post this for fun.
I am reminded so often by Aaron Jr that his daddy isn't here. Anytime we are around a family, any family, and he hears the kids saying 'Daddy' to their dad, Aaron will join in with them and call their dad 'Daddy' right along with them. He knows who HIS daddy is, but whenever this happens, it just breaks my heart. When I ask Aaron Jr about HIS daddy, he always points to Aaron in a photo, or else he will say, 'Daddy's home'. He ALWAYS says, 'Daddy's home' when I ask him where daddy is. I still hope and pray that he is having very vivid dreams about Aaron. I think if he is, he will have a better recollection of his daddy as he gets older. I pray for this.
We miss you, Aaron...
* * *
I have never seen a line up of the three of you before. Aaron Jr. looks a lot more like you than I would have thought without the comparison. Yet, like you said, he looks so much like grown up Aaron.
What a great gene combination :)
I can't decide who he looks more like... but I think all three pictures are darling!
wow Leslie.
Just change the hair color and he's you. That's crazy. Neat to see. Aaron looks older than 2 in his picture and it's funny how thin he looks.
Great pictures of all three. Love your hair-doo. :)
Hi Leslie, he looks so much like the "little you"! You were gorgeous at 2 (and are still very very gorgeous now).
Penny and Natalie were here last week. My kids heard the front door open and Charlotte and Thomas ran to the front door yelling "Daddy, Daddy" and Natalie ran with them, yelling the same. Penny and I looked at each other and smiled - a sad teary smile, but a smile. Natalie is so full of life and so full of joy. She helps break up the sad and the tears, and gives Penny the smiles in her life.
Love to you,
hey, leslie;)
i have a look-alike meter account. it says that aaron jr looks 10% more like aaron than you. it surprised me because in those pictures i think he has aaron
s coloring but more of your features??? go figure...
love and prayers,
FUN post...I'm loving the sailor suit. CUTE CUTE, all three of you.
with such gorgeous parents, it wouldn't matter who he looks like, he can't go wrong!
Wow, Aaron jr is a perfect mix of both of you! Have you seen that page add called the "look-a-like meter?" you should add that on your blog! So cute Leslie, you were a beautiful little girl, hence the reason you are a beautiful woman!
such cute pics of aaron, you and junior. it was sweet to see those. lil aaron sure looks a lot like you!!! i remember those chubby cheeks of yours. that was a sweet posting about your mission president. love you!
Ellie and I picked out the different facial features that each look like a distict you or Aaron. I loved those pictures. What darling parents to look just like! Especially after hearing Cardon pointing and talking of others in our home tonight, I feel quite sure that your little Aaron must be having those dreams you pray about. Comforting to think of. I love you, my friend.
Ellie and I picked out the different facial features that each look like a distict you or Aaron. I loved those pictures. What darling parents to look just like! Especially after hearing Cardon pointing and talking of others in our home tonight, I feel quite sure that your little Aaron must be having those dreams you pray about. Comforting to think of. I love you, my friend.
wow! He's just a handsome little boy, that's for sure!!
This made me cry today! Still thinking of you everyday!!!
Hi Leslie
From the photos, I can see so much of you (when you were two) in Aaron Jnr, but I agree that Aaron Jnr does look a lot like the adult version of his dad.
I also hope and pray that Aaron Jnr has lots of beautiful, vivid dreams about his dad.
Lots of love
I think he has your eyes, but the rest is ALL Aaron! We love you all no matter who or what you look like! I hope your days are getting easier. Let me know when we can get together again!
I am shocked at how much Aaron Jr. looks like you! I always assumed he was all Aaron, but I see a lot of you in him. Lucky kid. Love ya.
You are truly amazing!!! I don't remember how I got to your blog, but I started reading from the last page and I have cried since. I am so glad that my kids did not catch on to me crying over the computer, when they did look at me funny I blamed the watering eyes on allergies!! I only read the last page and one blog on the page before that and I had to stop reading because my heart was breaking for you!! I know that there is a reason for everything that we do in this life!! I just really stinks that we have to wait to find out what it is. Heavenly Father has planned it that way and he has also planned that families can be eternal families!! I will pray for you at night that you will be comforted. I will finish your blog, probably just not today. You have reminded me that I better not take things for granted. Thank you, and may Heavenly Father bless you and your little one.
Hi Leslie, just thinking about you and thought I'd check in on you before we head off on a week's holiday tomorrow.
Love to you and little Aaron,
hey, leslie:) i hope you are doing well!!! i always keep you in my thoughts and prayers...
Lifting you up in prayer and sending hopes that you are in good spirits and at peace in your heart!
Hi Leslie. I miss your updates, I hope this means you are too busy spending time with friends and family. Hope you're smiling today!
My thoughts are with you.
Hi Leslie, I have been thinking about you.
Penny asked me for your email address (and I gave it to her....) so I am hoping she is ready to contact you now. I hope she does. Love to you and little Aaron.
just checking in again, dear leslie, to send some love and peace your way:)
love and prayers,
Are you doing ok? I, too, am hoping that you are busying staying at your home with Aaron Jr., totally disconnected from the internet! Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
Michelle Bretzing Jacobi
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