Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Got Instagram?

So, I was thinking about my blog recently and feeling so bad and guilty about how rarely I post and wishing that I had never slowed down. I have had such good intentions of catching up once I had some free time, but as life is only getting busier, I am realizing that it is possible I well never be able to catch up. It makes me sad because this blog and its followers (you) have been such a huge and integral part of my healing process these past years. I am not giving up on this blog, I still want to post things when I have time, but I came to the realization recently that the quick and easy posting I am able to do on Instagram has kinda taken over the way I share and document our lives through photos. So... I decided to create a post on here inviting my blog friends to follow me on Instagram. I put that photo at the top so you know how to find me.

My Instagram username is: lesterlou

I am so grateful for those who have followed my blog and have been such good friends to me through these years as I've grieved and healed and figured out ways to live life with joy and purpose. I love you all... I hope you'll come and follow me on Instagram. 

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I found your blog years and years ago and have enjoyed reading your posts. I don't look at blogs as much as I used to but I've prayed for your sweet family and every once in a while out of the blue I'll think to myself, "I wonder how Leslie is doing." Thanks for sharing your instagram.