Aaron liked my hair long, so I never cared to do anything this drastic. But ever since Aaron passed away, I have wanted to cut my hair really short and see what I would look like.
I have been trying to figure out how I would want it to be cut and when I finally found the haircut I wanted, I made an appointment with my sister in law, Suzy. I put my hair in her hands and I just trusted her completely to transform my hair. I like it. I will never be able to style it this same way since SHE is the professional... but I will try. I have never REALLY had a real style. This is new for me. Suzy said that she cut off a total of about 14 to 15 inches. She cut off a pony tail of my hair first so that I can send it to locks of love. This is the second time since Aaron Jr was born that I have cut enough off to send to locks of love. That makes it all worth it. My long hair has always been kindof a security blanket for me. This is not in my comfort zone, but I haven't been in a comfort zone for over 8 months now... so nothing has changed in that regard.
With all of the changes that have been thrown at me in the last 8 months since Aaron passed away, I wanted to have a major change that was actually IN my control. So, this was exciting and scary at the same time... but at least it was in my control. It felt nice being the one who got to make a decision about something semi-major in my life even if it isn't necessarily a life changing decision.
Who knows, maybe I will go shorter next time... hmmm...
Missing you every day, Aaron...
* * *
I'm just one of your blog stalkers, but I want you to know I think of you often and your hair is SUPER cute!!
leslie, your hair is absolutely adorable. hillary swank was on rachel ray today, and she had done the same thing (locks of love/short "sassy" cut)...
i hope you love it; i do!!!
love and prayers,
it's darling! it's a refreshing look for you- lighter. love it!
It looks great, Leslie! My daughter, Aubrey has donated her hair to locks of love and is growing it out again to donate again.
I am another one of those that watch your blog. I love the new do! You look amazing. It is life changing and I know you will love it. Keep strong and keep us updated on how you are doing.
I think the haircut is awesome!
You look great and the meaning behind it is so inspiring--to take control of the things we CAN control.
That is a profound and powerful message--and one I particularly needed right now in my life. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Leslie
Your new haircut looks fantastic, very stylish and full of spunk.
Lots of love
Hey Leslie, This is Justin P€TR0VAY. I found your bloglink on the mission site. I left EBM around the time you started... honestly, my brain is useless and I can not remember if we've ever met or not - I kinda think we did. I just wanted you to know that you are in our prayers, and that your new haircut is very nice, it suits you.
Super cute! It looks awesome on you!
How courageous of you! It looks fantastic.
I have been reading your blog for a long time now but I don't think I have ever posted a comment. But I will today - to tell you that your new hair looks amazing and really fits you :-)
Hey Leslie,
I love your hair! It makes your gorgeous smile stand out more. You do look like Hillary Swank, lucky girl, or maybe she is the lucky one to look like you! Either way it's a great look for you.
Oh Leslie - how gorgeous! I love it!
Love to you,
LESLIE!!! You look AMAZING. The hair cut is fabulous, I love it!
WAY TO GO, I love how you mentioned a "change in your control" Good for you.
You're beautiful, inside and out.
I love it! I know it must seem a lot lighter and cooler (on these hot summer days). If I ever drastically cut my hair, giving it to locks of love sounds like a good idea! Love you, Leslie!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! It really does suit you xxx
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! It really does suit you xxx
...just came back for another gawk!! Gorgeous.
You are beautiful-your haircut looks great.
Leslie! That haircut is absolutely adorable! It brings out all of your striking features so much! You are completely gorgeous!
I love it. I want to see what it looks like when you let the curl take over. I have always had curl envy.
What a fun change.
I really like the new look. I love short hair.
My mom used to always tell me that when life is hard or challenging do something crazy like cut/color your hair or pierce your ears. Needless to say I have cut my hair many times and I have 3 holes in my ears:)
I'm glad you used this as therapy.
I am glad that I check your blog everyday. You look so refreshed with you new hair cut. Two in one, new look and locks of love!! Can't beat that. You look really good, and you are still are in my prayers.
OH MY GOSH!! Leslie! It is seriously So beautiful!!! You look fantastic! Great with short hair.
I did this two years ago, and I love my short hair, I don't thik I will go back.
You will get a fun little postcard in the mail in a couple weeks, I still have mine on my fridge.
Leslie, I LOVE it!!! You look so cute! I've been thinking about chopping all my hair off, but I'm not sure if I have the face to pull it off.
Im another one of your blog watchers! I actually just talked about you in my blog. ;-)
Just wanted to say that your hair is super cute! I love it!! I loved your long hair too... Its probably just because you are too dang cute it doesnt matter how your hair is cut! But I bet you are going to love it!!
I love the way your hair looks! You were blessed with great hair. Long or short, it works with you!
I cannot style long hair on me, so I keep it short. :)
love your haircut. i've been waiting for you to do this for a long time. look at that dark, beautiful hair that has been hiding all these years!
You look great with that new cut ~ it really suits you!! XX
Leslie- I love your hair! You are such an inspiring person. I am glad I have gotten to know you, gotta love the farmers market :) Thanks for all you have helped us out with. Darci
I love it girl!
You rock!! Cancer survivors such as myself appreciate your generosity. Love the new do. I think you look fabulous!!
Oh Leslie,
what a drastic but FANTASTIC change, and how wonderful that your donated your hair. You look amazing with hair at any length!
I LOVE IT! Perfect for your beautiful face!
I have long hair.... but I have short hair fear!... I will have to keep tabs on you and see if you really love it still in a few months! :D
It is always fun to try something new. I like your hair cut. Very cute!
Oh my goodness Ell! I am in shock- I never thought I'd see the day! But of course it is beautiful! You are braver than I am. Isn't that fun to donate your hair? I've done that once or twice before when I was younger and it feels good to know that you are helping others. I was going to phone you today but I fell asleep, sorry! I was hoping this baby would come. But she is still a no show. I'll phone you soon. Love ya!
I LOVE it! You look chic and fabulous! Great do for you!
Michelle Bretzing Jacobi
Hi Leslie. I went to school with Aaron and I hope you don't mind me reading your blog. You are so pretty and Aaron Jr. does look like his mommy AND his daddy. Since I have never expressed it to you, I am very sorry that Aaron is gone. Of course, I fully believe that he's with you each and every day. If you ever need anything, albeit from a girl you've never met, I'm here for you.
Brandy (Reynolds) Heiner
HOLY CRAP!! I LOVE IT, LESLIE!! I have wanted to comment all week, but our computer has been on the fritz. It is so different, but it really suits you! BEAUTIFUL!
Your hair is really cute! Just wanted to say hi and check in. I read your blog often. I really enjoy your photos. You really have a talent for it. I left you a comment over on your photo blog too. :)
I love the look.. I myself just cut my hair short and Though i was worried about it.. I have grown to love it! I am a lurker as well and LOVE the honesty in your words. Thanks for sharing your lives with us. It is an honor to read about your family!
Your in our prayers!
I LOVE YOUR HAIR. I am proud of you for taking the plunge. I know this was a hard decision. It is GREAT. Love you! Lori
ok I went to leave you a comment on how freaking cute your hair looks cut short, and never in my day have I seen someone with 44 comments! I am not sure I even have 44 friends! hahah, you have always been Mrs. Popularity! I love it! and your hair looks so good short, you should keep it that way, or grow it our for locks of love again, thats such a great thing to do! Your awesome Les!
Hey! I've done locks of love! It sure is weird at first, but it's fun! I remember every time I caught myself in the mirror, I had to double check it was me... That's awesome though! It looks cute! You win, I only donated 10 inches.
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