Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I've Learned That...

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When I graduated from High School, my Young Womens leaders gave me a book called 'Live and Learn and Pass It On'. I have been reading it again and I just have loved some of the things people tell that they have learned, so I thought I would share a few great ones with all of you.

I've learned that... if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it. - Age 39

I've learned that... it always makes me feel good to see my parents holding hands. - Age 13

I've learned that... how people treat me is more a reflection of how they see themselves than how they see me. - Age 49

I've learned that... I don't feel my age as long as I focus on my dreams instead of my regrets. - Age 83

I've learned that... joy is often the abillity to be happy in small ways. - Age 72

I've learned that... you can tell a lot about a man by the happiness of his wife and the respect given him by his children. - Age 51

I've learned that... when Mommy and Daddy shout at each other, it scares me. - Age 5

I've learned that... kids need hugs more than they need things.
- Age 43

I've learned that... you can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. - Age 7

I've learned that... the more a child feels valued, the better his values will be. - Age 39

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Mindy said...

We do a "Live and Learn" book (based on your Live and Learn and pass it on book) with Brandon's family every year. Each person makes a page of what they Lived and Learned that year. It's a pain sometimes ;), but it's neat to look back.

Lisa said...

thanks les. those were really neat. i loved the one I've learned that... you can tell a lot about a man by the happiness of his wife and the respect given him by his children. thank you...i needed some uplifting thoughts today...

Joann said...

Great quotes! Thanks for sharing!

Kristi said...

I like those. There were a few that helped get me out of my tired bad mood.
Good stuff. Thanks